Photograph of a Lobotomy being performed on an unknown patient, c1950s.
Medcraft Model B-24 Electro-Convulsive Therapy Device
Lakin State Hospital, WV
Offner Electronics Inc. Electric Shock Therapy Apparatus
Pine Crate, Crownsville State Hospital, MD
French Straitjacket with Leg Restraints
Metrazol for Increasing Affects of Convulsive Therapy
Medicine for Sleep, Dexedrine Sulphate
Warren State Hospital, PA
Graverubbings from Danvers State Hospital Cemetery, MA
Softball Trophy, 1944
Brandon Mental Hospital, Manitoba, CA
Patient Full-Body Bed Restraint
W. M. Stanley Co. Inc., c1940s
Original hand-typed study on “Changes Following Prefrontal Lobotomy”.
Dated 1963, with hand-drawn diagrams and case studies comparing 618 lobotomy patients
Pinstriped straitjacket from a UK asylum.
Thorazine anti-psychotic injection, and other patient medications